Sunday, January 19, 2014

Black and White Chili

I really struggled with what to name this chili. I named it Black and White Chili because I used 1 can black beans and 1 can white kidney beans. But I also considered calling it Rainbow Chili. Because I used a green and a yellow pepper, and there's the corn and the tomatoes so it's really quite a rainbow. So call it what ever feels good to you! 

I also made some corn bread with it. I didn't let the corn bread cook long enough because I was hungry, so I think next time I would poor it into muffin tins so it cooks faster and I don't destroy it by trying to cut it up. It is quite a dense corn bread, not of the fluffy variety. But I thought they were both quite delicious!

Black and White Chili
1 Medium Onion
2 Bell Peppers
3 Cloves Garlic
1 Jalapeno
1 28 oz can of Tomatoes
1 can Black Beans
1 can White Beans
1 cup Corn
½ can Tomato Paste
2 tsp Brown Sugar
1 T Red Chili Powder
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Ground Cumin
1 bay leaf
3+ cups of water

Salt and pepper to taste


2. You can use either oil or water to soften up the chopped ONIONS, GARLIC, and JALAPENO.

3. Once those are softened or a lightly browned add in all the SPICES.


5. Cook until peppers and tomatoes are fully cooked, or longer if you can to help the flavours mingle. Add as much water as you want for more soupy, or less for a drier chili.

Simple Vanilla Pineapple Popsicles

Since becoming vegan I have had a few non vegan "treat days". Say what you will, some people will say that I'm not a vegan then. Whatever. I believe everyone should be able to eat whatever the F*$# you want. For the most part I am vegan. My boyfriend and I would go for the odd treat to dairy queen, he loves ice cream. But since I've been vegan for a little while I find that I don't even like the taste of milk or ice cream any more. So, I am on a mission to make delicious vegan treats so I never have to (or even want to) go out for a treat. It's way cheaper, and healthier.

This is a SUPER simple popsicle recipe that could easily be modified to change the fruit or add different flavourings. This is all things that I would put in my breakfast smoothie so I consider it healthy!

Vanilla Orange Pineapple Popsicles.

2 cups frozen pineapple
1/2 cup vanilla vegan yogurt
1/2 cup orange juice

That's it!

Throw it all in the blender.
Spoon it into your popsicle makers

Bam! Eat them.

Next time I would probably add a medjool date or two to sweeten it up a bit. You could also just add a bit of sugar or agave. 

All my pictures are from my phone. They are not of professional quality, nor composition. But they work for me.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Indian Inspired Carrot Ginger Coconut Soup

This soup is a modified version of the recipe here.

The recipe on that site is for a nice basic carrot soup but I wanted one that had more spices and depth. So I made it in a bit more of an Indian style, with more spices and cooked more the way Indian food is cooked. Making a sort of tarka to start, where you add the onion, garlic, ginger and spices to hot oil, and then adding the veg and liquid.  This soup is dairy free and gluten free if you don't eat it with any tasty tasty bread. 

I love anything with coconut. Except piña coladas. Tangent: one time, when my family was in hawaii we were thirsty and went into a little shop and I had no idea what a piña colada was but coconut and pineapple sounded delicious so I got a virgin piña colada. (I was like 8). One sip and I knew it was disgusting. But I felt too bad to tell my parents that I didn't like it. So, my brilliant self thought that I would just "accidentally" drop it. It made such a mess. I felt so bad. And then! The shop people offered to make me a new one and I was like no no no no please no. So we said sorry and left. Whoops. 

To me, the coconut in this soup is what really makes it. This soup is warm, creamy and spicy. A great soup for a chilly day. I don't pretend to be a chef or particularly knowledgeable but I've been cooking for my self since I was 17, experimenting with vegetarian and now vegan recipes. I used to be really scared  to stray away from recipes, but now (thanks to my boyfriend telling me to stop trusting google so much haha) I have the confidence to change recipes and adapt them to either my dietary requirements, or to my taste. Every ingredient in this recipe I would say, add more, or less, if you want! Totally dependent on your taste. This isn't too hot spice wise but you could totally add more chili, or none if you aren't a fan of heat. 

This time round I actually made it specifically to freeze, which I haven't done before with this soup so I hope it freezes ok. This soup is great for lunches. I can put it in a mason jar and eat it without a spoon. Cause obviously if I'm vegan I HAVE to put as many things as possible in mason jars. It's at thing.

Indian Inspired Carrot Ginger Coconut Soup
2 T Olive Oil
2 pounds of Carrots (about 8 medium/large)
1 medium Onion
4 cloves of Garlic
2 inches of Ginger (2 tsp ground)
1 Bay Leaf
2 Veggie Broth Cubes + 5 cups water (or just 5 cups of broth of your choice)
1 can Coconut Milk
4 tsp Curry Powder
1 tsp Ground Cumin
1 tsp Red Chili Powder
1 tsp Garam Masala

1. Add olive oil to sauce pan and heat up. Add ONION, GARLIC, and GINGER. Saute until soft/lightly browned.

2. Add CURRY POWDER, CUMIN, RED CHILI, and GARAM MASALA and mix. Add water if necessary.

3.  Add chopped CARROTS and BAYLEAF and mix, then add water and bouillon cubes.

If your me, proceed to drop at least a handful of the carrots on the floor and employ the 5 second rule.

4.  Bring to a boil, then lower to medium/low and simmer until carrots are soft. 

5.When they are soft turn off heat and allow to cool for about 5 minutes. 

If your me just leave it until you remember that you shouldn't be playing dragon worldon your phone and should probably blend the soup now! 

6.  After it has cooled down a bit, take out the bay leaf, pour soup into blender. If it doesn't all fit, do in multiple batches. If you own an immersion blender use that instead.

7.Pour blended soup back into sauce pan, re-warm and add coconut milk. Taste and add salt if necessary.

8. Garnish with pepper and enjoy. It's super delicious with a piece of crusty bread or with a freshly made naan bread. Yum!

What was I listening to while I made this? Glad you asked.

A little bit of this:

A little bit of that: