Sunday, January 19, 2014

Simple Vanilla Pineapple Popsicles

Since becoming vegan I have had a few non vegan "treat days". Say what you will, some people will say that I'm not a vegan then. Whatever. I believe everyone should be able to eat whatever the F*$# you want. For the most part I am vegan. My boyfriend and I would go for the odd treat to dairy queen, he loves ice cream. But since I've been vegan for a little while I find that I don't even like the taste of milk or ice cream any more. So, I am on a mission to make delicious vegan treats so I never have to (or even want to) go out for a treat. It's way cheaper, and healthier.

This is a SUPER simple popsicle recipe that could easily be modified to change the fruit or add different flavourings. This is all things that I would put in my breakfast smoothie so I consider it healthy!

Vanilla Orange Pineapple Popsicles.

2 cups frozen pineapple
1/2 cup vanilla vegan yogurt
1/2 cup orange juice

That's it!

Throw it all in the blender.
Spoon it into your popsicle makers

Bam! Eat them.

Next time I would probably add a medjool date or two to sweeten it up a bit. You could also just add a bit of sugar or agave. 

All my pictures are from my phone. They are not of professional quality, nor composition. But they work for me.

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