Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My average eats

Today was a left over day so I figured I would share a couple of my regulars. 

I try to eat one massive salad a day. Usually I bring it for lunch to work cause it is easy to throw together. Since I like to donate blood, but my iron has been too low lately, I have been trying to increase my iron levels (naturally).

This is a pretty standard salad for me. A bed of baby arugula and spinach, cherry tomatoes, grated carrots, red pepper, and half a can of unsalted/rinsed chick peas plus avocado when I have it. I do a couple of different dressings but to increase my iron absorption lately I have been using 1 whole lemon, a bit of EVOO, 2 cloves garlic, and a  bit of sea salt. I do also really like a nice balsamic vinaigrette. 

My new favourite pre workout snack is CHOCOLATE COFFEE BANANA SMOOTHIE! Seriously, it is a great pre workout snack.... and it tastes like a mocha frosty. Can it get any better? Now, I am certainly not a nutritionist or personal trainer but there is a lot of research regarding ingesting coffee before a workout and the benefits. Such as...

Key insights on coffee and making exercise feel easier
•    Drink coffee one hour before morning or lunchtime exercise. If you want to exercise in the afternoon or evening, enjoy a coffee with your lunch to avoid the effect of the lunchtime dip
•    For competitive sports, consuming coffee improves attention to detail, observance of your surroundings, and reduces symptoms of fatigue through caffeine's effect on the central nervous system3 
•    Hydration is important for endurance exercise performance. Coffee, when consumed in moderation (four to five cups of coffee or 400mg of caffeine per day), provides similar hydrating qualities to water and does not cause dehydration

This article outlines the benefits and the potential risks of caffeine. Read more:

Bananas are also great pre-workout snacks because they provide you with some key nutrients such as manganese and potassium. They are also a healthy form of carbs which are good for pre-workout. See here.

I just freeze 2 bananas in a mason jar and when I come home I toss in 2 tsp of instant coffee and top it off with chocolate almond milk and blend! You could use plain almond milk or water if you wanted. But it's pretty tasty this way...

Keep it spicy!


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