Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Eggplant and Tomato Spaghetti

Alright, this one is actually about food. I had an eggplant sitting out and getting a bit spotty, so I of course went to pinterest to find a new recipe. I came across this vegan spicy eggplant pasta recipe. I modified it because I only had one eggplant, and I also only had whole wheat pasta, and fresh on the vine tomatoes. Below is the modified recipe.

1 Medium Eggplant
2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil, divided
1 small/medium onion
2 cloves of garlic
2 cups chopped fresh tomatoes
1 tsp dry oregano
1 tsp crushed red pepper (or more to make it spicy)
1/2 tsp of dry basil
1/2+ tsp salt
1/2 pound of the pasta of your choice

Slice eggplant crosswise into 1 inch slices, salt them on both sides and let them sit for 30 mins (I actually only did 10 mins)

Chop up onions, garlic, and tomatoes while the eggplants are busy getting salty and preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Use 1 T of the olive oil and coat the eggplant slices, salt and pepper them thoroughly and pop in the oven to roast for about 20-30 minutes.

While the eggplant is roasting, heat the other T of olive oil in a medium sauce pan and cook onions and garlic until soft/slightly golden, add oregano, basil, red pepper flakes, and salt, and tomatoes. Gently simmer.

Bring pot of water to a boil and cook pasta of choice until el dente.

When the eggplant is nice and cooked take it out of the oven, and chop it into aprox. 1 inch cubes (I peeled it because the skin was spotty) and throw them in with the tomatoes and onions. Simmer together until pasta is done, or longer if you want.

Drain pasta and combine with the sauce. Serve, top with more pepper flakes and eat.

I will note, I think that if I made this again I would add more chili, maybe... just more spice in general. Since I've eaten so much Indian food all my food needs to be super flavourful and spicy all the time haha. I also think that it would be really tasty over quinoa instead.

I am about to start a new instagram and post my food pics there, so please go give me a follow @cinnamonheartvegan. You can also find me on twitter @cinnamonheartv.

I also wanted to note, I have zero cooking training and all my pictures are taken with my Samsung S3. So yeah, it's a novice blog :P

Keep it spicy,


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