Monday, June 22, 2015

A new healthier me starts today.

Hi everyone!

If you're here you probably already know that I have a blog called Cinnamon Heart Vegan. I haven't been the best at posting here on the blog but that is about to change. I am currently un-employed, and might be for the whole summer. Fingers crossed that I get an internship starting in September, but until then I have decided I don't just want to sit here and finish every season of Friends on netflix (let's face it, I'll do that too), I also want to try and get healthier.

I am 23 years old, I have been vegan for 2 years, vegetarian since I was 12. I live with my boyfriend of almost 3 years, who is a lacto-vegetarian and has a ridiculous metabolism so he eats whatever he wants, which makes me eats crap but I gain weight and he stays skinny. But who said life is fair? I have seen people who go vegan and magically lose a whole bunch of weight, or who cut gluten out and magically go down 10 sizes, but that's not me. For me it is going to take more work.

18 year old me
I have never, ever, been skinny, and to be honest I don't think I ever will be completely skinny. But I do want to be healthy, and losing weight will be one of the ways for me to be healthier. All through middle school and high school I stayed at a pretty steady 175ish pounds, which isn't great, but looking back at my photos from then I wish I was still that thin. I thought that I was fat back then but I realize now that I wasn't. I now sit more around 220 pounds and I'm not happy about it. A lot of my clothes don't fit anymore and every time I try on an old pair of pants, or an old blazer and it doesn't fit anymore it's another blow to my confidence. 

I know that getting healthy isn't going to be easy, and it's not going to be quick. Three things I know I need to do are: I need to stop eating so much processed foods, I need to drink more water, and I need to exercise more. When you just look at those three things it doesn't sound so complicated right? Complicated no, but it will require dedication and hard work. 

So I hope that this blog will do a few different things. I hope that it keeps me accountable and on track. I hope that it helps me find people going through similar situations and share my story, and I hope that helps me l                                     like my own body again.

The current me!
So my goals are:

  • Drink 3-5 litres of water a day
  • Exercise 5 times a week for at least an hour
  • Cut out as much processed foods as possible
  • Drink less alcoholic/sugary beverages
  • Eat less take out food
  • Blog regularly
  • Be happy!
The current me!


insta @cinnamonheartvegan
twitter @cinnamonheartv

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate. And you know what? It aint over till its over!
